Friday, August 22, 2008

How I Found My Inner Peace!

Growing up as kid, I had this wonderful sense of inner peace. Bad things may have happened to me but I would laugh and have a wonderful time. As I grew older and my eyes became more open to the world and the pains of life hit me, my inner peace faded. It was definitely a slow process but over time life had a way of teaching the harsh realities.

I started searching constantly for a way to better myself. If I better myself, or become smarter, richer my life would ultimately become what I was searching for. I changed the way I dressed, lost weight, gained weight, gained financial security, then lost it. Nothing seemed to satisfy what I was looking for. I read all kinds of self-help books, seminars, workbooks, etc...still I was absolutely miserable inside. I could not feel happy or recapture what I felt as a child. I mentally hit rock bottom in my life and wondered for years if I could ever feel happy again. Doctors prescribed antidepressants but then I was just numb without any real fix. I went to therapist but nothing!

So I went back to my roots as a child...I decided to start reading the bible. I went to church as a child every Sunday and Wednesday but hadn't been to church in over 15 years. I didn't want to find a church I just wanted to read. I have read all kinds of self-help books so I decided to read the "Ultimate Self-Help" book. To my surprise I could not put it down. For three months I read every moment I could and I have almost finished reading the bible. Now I am not claiming to understand everything that I have read but I have definitely found my "Inner Peace"!

I could not get over the dramatic and instantaneous change I mentally felt. I no longer needed any other book or pill to feel better. I found God and realize that Christ is my Savior and things began to fall into place in my life. I still have bad times in my life but realize they are for a reason. I am learning to except what comes my way in life. Learning how to deal with my anger and why I feel the negative feelings that I feel. Most of which have to do with vanity, jealousy, and not accepting what is. I am trying to put more love, peace and helping others into my life.

So many physical and mental changes have happened since I have started reading the Bible. It has been such a wonderful thing that has happened to me....I recommend that everyone should just read the Bible with a open heart and mind and see what wonderful things happen to you!
